
NASCLA National Electrical Contractor/Master Electrician (GA)

The National Association of State Contractors Licensing Agencies (NASCLA) has partnered with several industry stakeholders to create one nationally recognized accredited trade examination for electricians. Through administering state agencies, NASCLA offers (3) different open book electrical trade examinations through the NASCLA Accredited Electrical Examination Program. They are Electrical Contractors (Master/Unlimited Electricians), Journeyman Electricians and Residential Electrical Contractors (Residential Electricians).


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Required Books 

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Additional Services

NASCLA Accredited Electrical Examination Program's administration process will differ from the NASCLA Accredited Exam for Commercial General Building Contractors.

Candidates are only able to take an exam through an administering regulatory agency. It is not available as a national, stand-alone examination through independent testing. Candidates must apply with the Administering State agency to become approved to take an electrical exam through the program. 

Candidates are expected to follow individual state agency applications to become licensed, in addition to taking a Business Law exam.

Electrical candidtaes must submit verification of 4-years experience under a master or state certified electrical contractor. 

Must have a minimum of 4-years (8,000 hrs) of experience that shows they have designed, planned, laid-out, directly supervised electrical construction activities, and the installation of electrical components. ( May substitute 1 yr education in electrical curriculum for 1/2 yr electrical experience) Max 2 yr

Because applicants must document experience in all aspects, they must list duties for each job held.

Employment affidavits must be completed by someone in the Human Resources Department, Co. President, Electrical Contractor, Master Electrician, Electrical Engineer, or Electrical Inspector from previous jobs to qualify as proper experience verification.

In order to do projects over $50,000 an additional subcontractor license is needed from the General Contractors Board.


The National Association of State Contractors Licensing Agencies (NASCLA) has partnered with several industry stakeholders to create one nationally recognized accredited trade examination for electricians. Through administering state agencies, NASCLA offers (3) different open book electrical trade examinations through the NASCLA Accredited Electrical Examination Program. They are Electrical Contractors (Master/Unlimited Electricians), Journeyman Electricians and Residential Electrical Contractors (Residential Electricians).

To apply 

The online application is available by visiting https://ned.nascla.org

To apply for licensing in GEORGIA using the accredited NASCLA exam scores contact:

Construction Industry Licensing Board

237 Coliseum Drive

Macon, GA 31217



Important Contacts

Information & Applications for Conditioned Air, Electrical, Low Voltage, Plumbing & Utilities as well as information for Building Contractors licenses may be obtained from:

Construction Industry Licensing Board
237 Coliseum Drive
Macon, GA 31217
(844) 753-7825

The State Testing Agency is PSI

PSI Licensure: Certification
ATTN: Examination Registration GA
3210 E Tropicana
Las Vegas, NV 89121
(800) 733-9267

To schedule an exam for any Technical Trade License (Electrical, Low Voltage, Conditioned Air, Plumbing, Gas) contact:


18000 W. 105th Street
Olathe, KS 66061
phone: 800-345-6559
Fax: 913-895-4650
States Accepting the NASCLA Accredited Electrical Examination Program are Alabama, Arizona, District of Columbia, Florida, Georgia,Louisiana, Mississippi, Missouri, New Mexico, North Carolina, South Carolina, Tennessee, Utah, Virginia, and West Virginia.
As of this time Georgia doesn’t require continuing education for this license.

American Contractors holds a two-day Electrical Seminar with Business Law that guarantees that you will pass the NASCLA National Electrical Contractor.  American Contractors has been holding Seminars to help contractors pass their exam for over 22 years. Sign up today for the NASCLA Exam Preparation Seminar!