
Arizona (CR-42) Roofing (Residential/Commercial)

We offer custom training options for the Arizona (CR-42) Roofing (Residential/Commercial) training built around your schedule. Find out now what options we have available.

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This classification allows the licensee to apply or install weatherproofing (i.e. asphaltum, pitch, tar, felt, glass fabric, or flax) or roof accessories (i.e. flashing, valleys, gravel stops, or sheet metal) as required for the licensee to install or repair roof tile, shingles, shakes, slate, metal roofing systems, urethane foam, and roof insulation or coatings on or above the roof deck.

This classification allows the licensee to replace up to three sheets (96 square feet) of plywood on the roof substrate; and install new or replace existing skylights where it does not require changes to the roof framing or roof structure.

The trade test is considered equivalent for these classifications and upon passing the CBME and trade exam, either license classification may be applied for without further testing.


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All Contractors are required to obtain bonds. The amount is based on the license classification and the yearly work volume. For the lowest priced bonds in Arizona call 602-678-1200

Applicants are required to have 4 years of verifiable experience.

The Arizona Business Management Exam is required

This classification allows the licensee to apply or install weatherproofing (i.e. asphaltum, pitch, tar, felt, glass fabric, or flax) or roof accessories (i.e. flashing, valleys, gravel stops, or sheet metal) as required for the licensee to install or repair roof tile, shingles, shakes, slate, metal roofing systems, urethane foam, and roof insulation or coatings on or above the roof deck.

This classification allows the licensee to replace up to three sheets (96 square feet) of plywood on the roof substrate; and install new or replace existing skylights where it does not require changes to the roof framing or roof structure.

The trade test is considered equivalent for these classifications and upon passing the CBME and trade exam, either license classification may be applied for without further testing.


To apply for a license, contact:

Registrar of Contractors
800 West Washington St.  6th floor
Phoenix, AZ 85007

To apply for an exam, contact:

PSI Licensure: Certification
ATTN: Examination Registration GA
3210 E Tropicana
Las Vegas, NV 89121
(800) 733-9267

Important Contacts

To apply for a license, contact:

Registrar of Contractors
1700 West Washington St. Ste.105
Phoenix, AZ 85007

The State Testing Agency is PSI

PSI Licensure: Certification
ATTN: Examination Registration GA
3210 E Tropicana
Las Vegas, NV 89121
(800) 733-9267

Rather than reciprocal agreements with other states, Arizona waives the trade exam for any applicant who has been the qualifying party within the last 5 years for a license in good standing in a classification the Registrar deems equivalelnt in another state, and passed a comaprable trade exam to obtain that license.

Arizona does not currently have Continuing Education requirements

The exam is 50 questions, 2 hours and 70% required to pass

One exam is $66.00;  Two exams (Business Management and one trade)  is $116.00

Exam topics include Estimating and Plan Reading 5 questions, Surface Preparation and Planning 5 questions, Steep and Low Slope Roofing, including BUR and Waterproofing 20  questions, Roofing Components 10 questions, Safety 6 questions and Repairs and Reroofing 4 questions