
Oklahoma Roofing Contractor Commercial Endorsement

We offer custom training options for the Oklahoma Roofing Contractor Commercial Endorsement training built around your schedule. Find out now what options we have available.

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A commercial roofing contractor’s work includes, but is not limited to, installation, renovation, remodeling, reroofing, reconstructing, repair, maintenance, improvement, alteration, and waterproofing of building roofs using a variety of materials, including shingles, asphalt, and metal. Commercial roofing contractors supervise and manage activities or personnel, supply material, and solicit commercial roofing contracts. A commercial roofing contractor may operate as an individual, firm, partnership, or corporation installing or repairing roofs on residential, commercial and industrial buildings.

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Required Books 

The references listed below have been used to create the test questions and are used in our seminar to prepare you to better navigate these books and pass the exam.

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The Roofing Contractor Registration Act (“RCRA”) creates a procedure whereby resident and nonresident roofing contractors are required to obtain a valid registration from the CIB in order to engage in or offer to engage in roofing-related services in the State of Oklahoma. While the registration is administered by the CIB, failure to register is a misdemeanor punishable by a fine of up to $500.00, which would be initiated by the district attorney’s office having jurisdiction. To obtain the registration, the contractor must submit their qualifications, show evidence of liability insurance of no less than $500,000.00, show evidence of workers’ compensation insurance coverage or exemption from coverage, provide certain information and meet other criteria as specified in the RCRA. The roofing contractor must register annually. 

Business & Law exam is required.

Each person on initial application and upon receiving a contractor's registration endorsement, prior to engaging in commercial roofing work, and all commercial roofing contractors submitting endorsement renewal applications, shall provide proof of financial responsibility by providing a certificate of insurance which indicates a minimum general liability policy of $1,000,000.00 for endorsement of commercial roofing contractor work. 

(c) Workers Compensation. The roofing contractor shall submit proof that the contractor has secured workers' compensation coverage satisfactory under the Workers' Compensation Act, or an affidavit of exemption or self-insurance as authorized pursuant to the Workers' Compensation Act which shall be maintained during all times of engaging in and performing roofing contractor work.

A commercial roofing contractor’s work includes, but is not limited to, installation, renovation, remodeling, reroofing, reconstructing, repair, maintenance, improvement, alteration, and waterproofing of building roofs using a variety of materials, including shingles, asphalt, and metal. Commercial roofing contractors supervise and manage activities or personnel, supply material, and solicit commercial roofing contracts. A commercial roofing contractor may operate as an individual, firm, partnership, or corporation installing or repairing roofs on residential, commercial and industrial buildings.

For license requirements and an application, contact:

State of Oklahoma
Construction Industries Board
2401 N.W. 23rd Street, Suite 5
Oklahoma City, OK 73107
405.521.6526 fax


Initial Registration and Endorsement Fee. The fee for registration as a Registered Roofing Contractor with commercial endorsement shall be Two Hundred Seventy-Five Dollars ($275.00)

Renewal Registration and Endorsement Fee. The fee for a renewal registration as a Registered Roofing Contractor with commercial endorsement shall be One Hundred Seventy Five Dollars ($175.00)


Important Contacts

Plumbing, Mechanical & Electrical construction are regulated at the state level.
For license requirements and an application, contact:

State of Oklahoma
Construction Industries Board
2401 N.W. 23rd Street, Suite 5
Oklahoma City, OK 73107
405.521.6526 fax
Oklahoma trade examinations are administered by:

PSI Licensure: Certification
3210 East Tropicana
Las Vegas, NV 89121
(800) 733-9267 phone
702.932.2666 fax

Check with the Construction Industries Board for and reciprocal agreements in place.

Continuing Education. No commercial endorsement shall be renewed unless the qualifying party has completed the required hours of continuing education, as determined and approved by the Committee of Roofing Examiners and the Construction Industries Board.

Continuing education required for endorsement renewal. Beginning on July 1, 2016, no roofing contractor commercial endorsement shall be renewed unless the endorsee has completed at least four (4) hours of continuing education within thirty-six (36) months preceding the application for renewal; and thereafter, the endorsee shall complete four (4) hours every three (3) years or thirty-six (36) months.


In order to obtain a commercial endorsement on a roofing registration for those doing commercial roofing contractor work, the qualifying party shall have successfully

passed the appropriate examination.

Any applicant initially failing to pass the examination shall not be permitted to take another examination for a period of thirty (30) days.

Any applicant subsequently failing to pass the examination shall not be permitted to take another examination for a period of ninety (90) days.


The exam is given by PSI.

The exam is 50 questions, multiple choice, open book with a 2.5 hour time limit.

70% is required to pass.

Subject areas include General Roofing Knowledge, Low Slope Roofing, Steep Slope Roofing, Moisture & Energy Control, Architectural Metal Roofing Systems and Sheet Metal Roofing, Repairs adn Reroofing and Safety.

American Contractors currently does not offer a seminar to prepare for the Oklahoma Roofing Contractor Commercial Endorsement. We do offer a Business Law seminar as well as all the recommended reference materials.