
Georgia Residential Light Commercial with Business Law

A Residential Light Commercial Contractor is one who performs any work or activity covered under the Residential/Basic contractor AND work or activity related to multifamily and multiuse light commercial buildings and structures, and their related accessory buildings and structures.

These buildings/structures must be less than 4 stories high and less than 25,000 square feet in aggregate interior floor space.

Buildings/structures are constructed of wood or light gauge meal frame, brick veneer, prefabricated, or manufactured type of construction, or are pre-engineered steel buildings not exceeding 50,000 square feet of interior floor space There are exemptions to this scope please consult Georgia Construction Industry Licensing Board web site for complete list.


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Required Books 

The references listed below are permitted to be taken into the examination. These references may be tabbed (with a permanent index tab) and highlighted. They are available for purchase from our online contractor’s bookstore or by calling our office at 1-800-955-7277.

 The following references are also needed for the exam. They are available to print online, free of charge.

  • 2007 Georgia Building Code Amendments
  • Georgia Accessibility Code

As of January 1, 2020 the Code books used for the Georgia exams will update. Exams taken after January 1, 2020 will be required to have either the 2018 International Building Code and/or the 2018 Residential Code. The 2006 editions of the International Codes can be used until December 31, 2019.



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Additional Services

  • Pre-approval from the state is required to sit for the examination.
  • Please note that passing the Georgia Business and Law exam is also required to obtain your contractor’s license.
  • Licensure will be required for the practice of contracting in Georgia for any job over $2,500.


  • Applicants must complete the Bank Credit Reference form (in the License application packet).
  • Account must be in the name used when applying. For example: If you want your license name to be JOHN SMITH CONSTRUCTION, then your bank account title must be in the nameI JOHN SMITH CONSTRUCTION. If the account has not been open for at least 24 months, you must have a line of credit for $25,000.00.
  • If you have more than 3 employees you must have Workers Compensation Insurance.
  • If applicant is applying as an individual, such proof shall be on behalf of the individual. If applicant is applying as a qualifying agent, such proof shall relate to the business organization.

    Experience Requirements

    Applicants using education as your experience must enclose an official transcript, diploma, or certification from accredited college, university or technical school in a sealed envelope. Applicants can qualify through formal education or through practical experience, or a combination of the two.

  • (1) Applicant has received a 4-year degree from an accredited college or university in the field of engineering, architecture, construction management, building construction, or other field acceptable to the division and has at least 1-year proven experience working as or in the employment of a residential contractor, general contractor, or other proven experience deemed substantially similar by the division
  • (2) Applicant has a combination acceptable to the division or academic credits from any accredited college-level courses and proven practical experience working as or in the employment of a residential contractor, general contractor, or other proven experience deemed substantially similar by the division equaling at least 4-years in the aggregate.
  • (3) Applicant has a total of at least 4-years of proven active experience working in a construction industry related field, at least 2 of which shall have been as or in the employment of a residential contractor, or other proven experience deemed acceptable by the division.
  • (4) Applicant must have had significant responsibility for the successful performance and completion of at least 2 projects falling within the residence-light commercial scope in the 4 years immediately preceding application.
  • Applicants must be a minimum of 21 years old and must complete and sign authorization for background check, including criminal history.

    On the application you must list one (1) residential project with address and completion date as well as one (1) commercial project with address and completion date. For each project an affidavit by an Architect, Engineer or Home Owner (for the Residential job) that worked on each project is required.

  • Frequently Asked Questions

A Residential Light Commercial Contractor is one who performs any work or activity covered under the Residential/Basic contractor AND work or activity related to multifamily and multiuse light commercial buildings and structures, and their related accessory buildings and structures.

These buildings/structures must be less than 4 stories high and less than 25,000 square feet in aggregate interior floor space.

Buildings/structures are constructed of wood or light gauge meal frame, brick veneer, prefabricated, or manufactured type of construction, or are pre-engineered steel buildings not exceeding 50,000 square feet of interior floor space There are exemptions to this scope please consult Georgia Construction Industry Licensing Board web site for complete list.

Information & Applications for Conditioned Air, Electrical, Low Voltage, Plumbing, Medical Gas, & Underground Utilities as well as information for General and Residential Building Contractors licenses may be obtained from:

Construction Industry Licensing Board

237 Coliseum Drive

Macon, GA 31217

Phone (478) 207-1416

A nonrefundable fee of $200.00 must be submitted with application.

Important Contacts

Information & Applications for Conditioned Air, Electrical, Low Voltage, Plumbing & Utilities as well as information for Building Contractors licenses may be obtained from:

Construction Industry Licensing Board
237 Coliseum Drive
Macon, GA 31217
(844) 753-7825

The State Testing Agency is PSI

PSI Licensure: Certification
ATTN: Examination Registration GA
3210 E Tropicana
Las Vegas, NV 89121
(800) 733-9267

To schedule an exam for any Technical Trade License (Electrical, Low Voltage, Conditioned Air, Plumbing, Gas) contact:


18000 W. 105th Street
Olathe, KS 66061
phone: 800-345-6559
Fax: 913-895-4650

At this time, there is no reciprocal licensing.

An applicant for renewal of his/her Residential Light Commercial contractor license must have completed 6 hours of acceptable continuing education each year, with a year beginning July 1st through June 30th.

Official documentation must be maintained by the contractor.

  • The fee for the exam is $132.00 ($72 for trade exam & $60 for Business Law exam) 
  • The Georgia Residential Light Commercial Contractor Exam has 90 questions and a time limit of 230 minutes.
  • A 70% is required to pass.
  • Topics on the exam include sitework, footings, and foundation; concrete and concrete reinforcement; masonry; carpentry; metals; roofing; associated trades; general code and construction knowledge; and OSHA safety.
  • To schedule your exam, you must first obtain pre-approval from the board. Then, contact PSI at 1-800-733-9267.

    All eligibilities are valid for 1-year from the date that the application is received by the Board. If you do not pass the examination within the 1-year period, you must reapply with the Board.

    You must pass both the Business and Law and the Trade examinations within the 1-year period. If you fail one examination, and pass the other examination, you will only need to retake the failed examination.

    If you fail the examination twice within the 1-year eligibility period your application becomes void. You will need to reapply to the Board, for both examinations, regardless if you had passed one during the 1-year period. You may reapply after the original 1-year eligibility period expires.

American Contractors Exam Services holds a two-day Residential Light Commercial Contractor Seminar that guarantees that you will pass the Georgia Residential Light Commercial Contractor license exam and Georgia Business Law exam. American Contractors has been holding Seminars to help contractors pass their exam for over 22 years.