
Florida Electrical Contractor Unlimited w Business Finance

We offer custom training options for the Florida Electrical Contractor Unlimited w Business Finance training built around your schedule. Find out now what options we have available.

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The Unlimited Electrical contractor can install, repair, alter, add to, or design, in compliance with law, electrical wiring, fixtures, appliances, apparatus, raceways, conduit or any part thereof, which generates, transmits, transforms, or utilizes electrical energy in some form, including electrical installations and systems within plants and substations, all in compliance with applicable plans, specifications, codes, laws, and regulations.

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Required Books 

The references listed below are permitted to be taken into the examination. These references may be tabbed (with permanent index tabs) and highlighted. They are available for purchase from our online contractor’s bookstore or by calling our office at 1-800-992-1910.

*There are additional downloadable documents for the Business and Finance portion of the exam and the Unlimited Electrical exam.*

A single copy of the following titles is available FREE of change in downloadable form once you are approved to take the exam:

UL 681 – Installation and Classification of Burglar and Holdup Alarm Systems, 2001-2,

UL 365 – Police Station Connected Burglar Alarm Units and Systems, 2001-2

UL 681 – Installation and Classification of Burglar and Holdup Alarm Systems, 2001-2 text and amendments. This text (and RN21) is available as a PDF file free of charge only to candidates approved to take one or more of the Alarm One, Alarm Two, and Unlimited examinations. Please be sure that you have applied to take at least one exam and have been approved before making a request. To email your request, please send your first and last name and/or your candidate ID number to: ElectricalContractors.Reference@myfloridalicense.com. Please make one combined request for UL 681 and UL 365.

Add All Required Books to Cart ($2,006.50)

Additional Services

  • Please note that the Florida Business exam as well as the Electrical Unlimited Contractor exam is required to be passed to obtain your contractor’s license. The Business (CBT) exam required by Electrical contractors is NOT the same Business exam required by the other contractor trades.
  • Pre-approval from the Electrical Contractors Licensing Board is required to sit for this exam.
  • Certification of Insurance coverage limits for Electrical are $300,000 per occurrence (including completed operations and products), $500,000 property damage (including completed operations and products), $100,000 per person, or $800,000 combined single limit. Worker’s Compensation Insurance is also required.
  • All contractors must be at least 18 years of age and be of good moral character.
  • Applicants must submit a personal financial statement and a business financial statement if applicable, prepared within 12 months of filing the application and must show a total net worth. All applicants must also submit a credit report, from a recognized credit bureau, dated within 12 months of filing the application and must include the following statement: “PUBLIC RECORDS HAVE BEEN SEARCHED AT THE COUNTY, STATE, AND FEDERAL LEVELS”.
  • Experience Required:

  • Must be licensed as an electrical professional engineer for 3 years within the last 12 years OR
  • Must have 3 years of management experience in the trade within the last 6 years immediately preceding the filing of the application OR
  • Must have 4 years of experience as a foreman, supervisor, or contractor in the trade within the last 8 years immediately preceding the filing of the application OR
  • Must have 6 years of comprehensive training, technical education, or broad experience associated with an electrical or an alarm system installation or servicing endeavor within the last 12 years immediately preceding the filing of the application OR
  • Must have at least 6 years of technical experience in alarm system work with the Armed Forces or a governmental entity within the last 12 years immediately preceding the filing of the application OR
  • Must have a combination of these qualifications totaling 6 years of experience

      *The required experience must include at least 40% of work that is in fire alarm systems.*

The Unlimited Electrical contractor can install, repair, alter, add to, or design, in compliance with law, electrical wiring, fixtures, appliances, apparatus, raceways, conduit or any part thereof, which generates, transmits, transforms, or utilizes electrical energy in some form, including electrical installations and systems within plants and substations, all in compliance with applicable plans, specifications, codes, laws, and regulations.

To apply, contact State of Florida Department of Business and Professional Regulation 1-850-487-1395.

    The exams are computer based. The fees are $316.25 paid to the State of Florida Business and Professional Regulation with the submission of an ECLB 8 application (Certified Electrical Contractor Exam Application)  and $78.75 (paid to the testing vendor after examination application approval)
    The License fee is $300.00
    Licenses renew on August 31 of every even numbered year.

Important Contacts

Commercial, residential & public works construction is regulated at the local/municipal level AND at the state level. A statewide-certified license is granted by the construction or electrical licensing boards for most categories of licensure.

Applications for contractor licenses (other than electrical) are filed with:

Department of Business & Professional Regulation
The Construction Industry Licensing Board
1940 North Monroe Street
Tallahassee, FL 32399
Information on electrical licensing may be obtained from:

Electrical Contractors Licensing Board
Department of Business & Professional Regulation
1940 North Monroe Street
Tallahassee, Fl 32399

To schedule the Florida Electrical Business exam (CBT) you must contact Promissor/Pearson Vue at 1-888-204-6230.

To register for the exam:

Professional Testing Inc.
PO Box 691226
Orlando, FL 32869-1226
phone: 407-264-0562
fax: 407-264-2977

To make a reservation to meet the fingerprinting requirement:

Pearson VUE
Customer Care: (888) 204-6230
Florida General Construction - County License
To Register for the exam:

Canton Crossing
1501 South Clinton Street
Baltimore, MD 21224
1-866-PROMETRIC (776-6387)

Florida currently recognizes the following examinations for endorsement: (not reciprocity)

• Florida Unlimited Electrical (EC) = North Carolina Unlimited

• Florida Unlimited Electrical (EC) = Georgia Class II Unrestricted & Low Voltage Unlimited  (must hold both Georgia licenses)

• Florida Unlimited Electrical (EC) = California Electrical C-10 License Examination

• Florida Residential Specialty (ES) = Georgia Class I

• Florida Residential Specialty (ES) = North Carolina Limited License (L)

• Florida (Low Voltage) Limited Energy (ES) = North Carolina Sp-LV

• Florida (Low Voltage) Limited Energy (ES) = California Electrical C-7 License Examination


If you are applying from any state and category other than those listed above you will be required to submit the following items along with your application for endorsement:

• The state statutes and rules governing your license the year you became licensed in that state.

• The examination blueprint/outline for the examination you took to become licensed for the  year you passed the examination in that state. Please note: In states where “Experior” was

the administrator of the examination, the Department has been unable to obtain the blueprint for the examination given in the particular state.

• Provide contact information for the licensing board of the state in which you are licensed and took an examination as well as the examination vendor if applicable. Specifically the name, address and phone number of the individual responsible for administering the examination program.


Note: The review process for an endorsement application may take several months to complete.


As of this time Florida requires 14 hours of board approved continuing education each biennium prior to the renewal period for both certified and registered contractors. At least 7 hours must deal with technical subjects, at least 1 hour must be on the subject of worker’s compensation, at least 1 hour on workplace safety, at least 1 hour must cover the subject of business practices, and at least 1 hour of Florida Building Code advanced module course.

Multiple license holders are required to complete continuing education requirements only 1 time each biennium.

Alarm system contractors must take a 2 hour false alarm prevention course as a part of their continuing education.

Continuing education must be completed prior to the license expiration of August 31 of every even year. The courses must be completed during the 2 year period and extra continuing education hours cannot be carried over. A license holder can earn up to 3 hours per renewal cycle for attending a meeting at which disciplinary cases are considered, as long as he/she attends the entire disciplinary portion of the meeting and as long as he/she is not the subject of the disciplinary proceedings.

The exams are computer based. The fees are $316.25 paid to the State

  • A score of at least 75% is required to pass each of the exams.
  • The exams are open book and timed. There are 100 questions with a 5 hour time limit for the Unlimited Electrical Contractor I exam. There are 50 questions with a 2.5 hour time limit for the Business exam.
  • The exams are computer based and offered throughout the year at PearsonVue Testing Facility. Exams are on a first come first serve basis.
  • Effective November 3, 2006 the Board revised rule 61G4-16.009 Florida Administrative Code. The revised rule provides that a candidate who has failed to achieve a passing score on 1 or more of the required exams has up to 2 years from the date of the 1st attempt to achieve a passing score on all required parts. If a passing score is not achieved within the 2 year period, all past test scores shall be considered invalid and the candidate will be required to retake all portions of the exam. Each candidate will only be allowed 6 attempts to pass each part of the exam during the 2 year period.
  • Applicants must be submitted to the DBPR to be eligible to take the exam.  After passing the exam, aliscensure application will need to be completed and submitted to the state.

    Topics covered on the trade exam are general theory and electrical principles, plan and specification reading and interpretation, wiring and protection, wiring methods and materials, special occupancies and situations, life safety and Americans with Disabilities Act, limited energy/low voltage, OSHA, safety, procedures for testing and use of tools and equipment, central station facilities and signaling, premises protective signaling systems, initiating devices, and burglar alarms.

  • Applicants have 3 chances to pass the Electrical Unlimited Contractor exam during a 1 year period. If the applicant fails either or both sections of the exam he/she must reapply to the board before sitting for the exam again. If the applicant fails either or both sections of the exam 3 times in a row he/she must complete 7 hours of continuing education in that subject matter and submit a new application before testing again. There is a 21 day waiting period between retakes for the exams.

    Topics covered on the business exam are maintaining cash flow, estimating and bidding a job, interpretation of contracts and agreements, purchasing control, contract scheduling, obtaining insurance and bonding, complying with contracting laws and rules, personnel management, complying with payroll and salary tax laws, interpretation of financial statements and reports, and management accounting.

  • To schedule your Electrical Unlimited exam you must contact the Florida Department of Business and Professional Regulation at 1-850-487-1395. To schedule the Florida Electrical Business exam (CBT) you must contact Pearson Vue at 1-888-204-6230.
  • Official photo-bearing score reports on the Business (CBT) exam are available on-site from the vendor immediately following the exam.

American Contractors offers a 2-day seminar to prepare for the Florida Unlimited Electrical contractor license exam that includes preparation for the Business exam. Please contact us for additional information, 1-800-992-1910.