
NASCLA National Journey-level Electrician

We offer custom training options for the NASCLA National Journey-level Electrician training built around your schedule. Find out now what options we have available.

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A person who possess necessary qualifications, training, and technical knowledge to install electrical wiring, apparatus, or equipment, light, heat, or power, as covered by the terms and provisions of this chapter, must work under master or state certified electrical contractor, also he shall be capable of doing said work according to plans and specifications furnished to him and in accordance with standard rules and regulations governing such work.

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Required Books 

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Additional Services

  • Pre-approval from the state is required to sit for the examination.
  • Electrical journeyman candidates must submit verification of 4 years experience under a master or state certified electrical contractor.
  • The board will require the names, addresses, and telephone numbers of 3 people (other than relatives) who have knowledge of applicant’s electrical experience.

A person who possess necessary qualifications, training, and technical knowledge to install electrical wiring, apparatus, or equipment, light, heat, or power, as covered by the terms and provisions of this chapter, must work under master or state certified electrical contractor, also he shall be capable of doing said work according to plans and specifications furnished to him and in accordance with standard rules and regulations governing such work.

To apply, contact the state of Alabama at 1-334-269-9990. The Journeyman licensing fee is $35.

Electrical Contractors Board

610 S. McDonough Street

Montgomery, AL 36104 

Important Contacts

To apply for an Electrical license,
and to register for the exam, contact:

Electrical Contractors Board
610 S. McDonough St.
Montgomery, AL 36104

To apply for a general contractors license, contact:

Licensing Board for General Contractors
2525 Fairlane Dr.
Montgomery, AL 36116
To apply for a Plumbing or Gas Fitter license, contact:

Plumbers and Gas Fitters Examining Board
11 West Oxmoor, Ste104
Birmingham, AL 35209

To apply for a HVAC license, contact:

Board of Heating and Air Conditioning Contractors
8 Commerce St. Ste 200
Montgomery, AL 36104
(334)241-0840 Phone
(334) 265-0570
To apply for a Residential license, contact:

Home Builders Licensure Board
445 Herron St.
Montgomery, AL 36130

To register for a Under Four Stories exam or the NASCLA exam contact:

PSI Licensure: Certification
ATTN: Examination Registration AL
3210 E Tropicana
Las Vegas, NV 89121
(800) 733-9267
To register for an Electrical, Homebuilder or HVAC Exam Contact:

13614 Progress Blvd.
Alachua, FL 32615

Alabama Electrical Journeyman reciprocity exists with Arkansas, Georgia, Louisiana, Mississippi, North Carolina, South Carolina, Tennessee, and Virginia.

As of this time Alabama does not require continuing education for the Alabama Electrical Journeyman license.

  • The fee for the exam is $81.
  • The Alabama Electrical Journeyman Exam has 80 questions and a time limit of 4 hours.
  • A 75% is required to pass.

    Topics on the exam include general electrical knowledge, grounding and bonding, conductors and cables, raceways and boxes, electrical power, special occupancies and equipment, motors, low voltage, lighting, illuminated signs, fire detection and alarm systems, over-current protection, safety information, and service, feeders, and branch circuits.

  • To schedule your exam, you must first obtain pre-approval from the board. Then, contact PROV at 1-866-720-7768.

American Contractors currently offers a preparation class for the Journeyman license at this time. The information covered on the Master Electrical Contractor Exam is quite similar to the Journeyman Exam. The main difference in material covered on the two exams is the Master/Contractor Exam includes Business Law information. We recommend that you consider taking the Electrical Contractor Class that we offer to prepare for the Journeyman exam.