ANSI/EIMA 99-A-2017: Standard for Exterior Insulation & Finish Systems (EIFS) and EIFS with Drainage
ANSI/EIMA 99-A-2017: Standard for Exterior Insulation & Finish Systems (EIFS) and EIFS with Drainage
ANSI/EIMA 99A – 2017 embodies the minimum requirements for specifying and installing Exterior Insulation and Finish Systems (EIFS) and EIFS with Drainage. The generic materials, details, and design considerations for EIFS and EIFS with Drainage are described in this standard. For specifications, application instructions, and details specific to a particular EIF System, consult the EIFS manufacturer’s product literature. In addition, care has been taken to incorporate the reference documents that constitute provisions of this American National Standard. The Annex contained in this standard is considered part of the standard.