
Georgia Conditioned Air Contractor

We offer custom training options for the Georgia Conditioned Air Contractor training built around your schedule. Find out now what options we have available.

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The 2 levels of Conditioned Air Contractor in Georgia are: Class I conditioned air contractor licenses are restricted to conditioned air contracting involving conditioned air systems or equipment not exceeding 175,000 BTU of heating and 60,000 BTU of cooling. Class II licenses are unrestricted.  For classifying systems, each complete system in a single installation is to be considered an individual job.

These licenses allow for the bidding and contracting as well as the installation, repair, or service of conditioned air systems or conditioned air equipment. Service to or installation of the electrical connection between the electrical disconnects and conditioned air equipment is considered to be installation, repair, or service of conditioned air equipment or the conditioned air system.

Service to or installation of the electrical circuit from the electrical distribution panel to the conditioned air equipment where the electrical service to the building or site is a single-phase electrical circuit not exceeding 200 amperes is considered to be installation, repair, or service of conditioned air equipment or the conditioned air system.


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Required Books 

The list of references in the right-hand column can be taken into the examination. These references may be tabbed (with a permanent index tab) and highlighted. They are available for purchase from our online bookstore or by calling 800-992-1910.

One of the books listed under "Reference Materials" on this page is only used for the Class 2 - Unrestricted Exam. That book is: Low Pressure Boilers, 3rd edition, 2009 Edition

Add All Required Books to Cart ($1,542.60)

Additional Services

  • Pre-approval from the state is required to sit for the examination.
  • Frequently Asked Questions
  • Please note that a separate Georgia Business and Law exam is NOT required to be passed to obtain your contractor’s license. It is incorporated into the Conditioned Air examination.
  • There are 2 levels of Conditioned Air Contractor Licenses offered in Georgia. The experience requirements are listed below:
    • Applicants must document experience and submit three letters of reference.
    • Class 1 – Restricted – Applicants must document a minimum of four years experience.
    • Class 2 – Unrestricted – Applicants must show five years of experience and must have documented experience with installations of conditioned air systems, which exceed 175,000 BTU (net) of heating and 60,000 BTU of cooling.
    • Experience for Class I shall consist of two years of installation as a lead mechanic, one year as a service technician or service supervisor (to include an Environmental Protection Agency license), one year of residential supervisory experience, and a Board approved heat loss and gain and duct design.
    • Experience for Class II shall consist of two years of installation as a lead mechanic with at least one of the years being commercial only, one year as a service technician or service supervisor (to include an Environmental Protection Agency license), two years of commercial supervisory experience and a Board approved heat loss and gain and duct design course.
    • Education may be applied toward the experience requirements as follows:
    • (a) Completion of a diploma program of a technical school in engineering or engineering technology may be credited as no more than 2 years experience.
    • (b) Completion of a certificate program of a vocational-technical school may be credited as no more than 1-year experience.

The 2 levels of Conditioned Air Contractor in Georgia are: Class I conditioned air contractor licenses are restricted to conditioned air contracting involving conditioned air systems or equipment not exceeding 175,000 BTU of heating and 60,000 BTU of cooling. Class II licenses are unrestricted.  For classifying systems, each complete system in a single installation is to be considered an individual job.

These licenses allow for the bidding and contracting as well as the installation, repair, or service of conditioned air systems or conditioned air equipment. Service to or installation of the electrical connection between the electrical disconnects and conditioned air equipment is considered to be installation, repair, or service of conditioned air equipment or the conditioned air system.

Service to or installation of the electrical circuit from the electrical distribution panel to the conditioned air equipment where the electrical service to the building or site is a single-phase electrical circuit not exceeding 200 amperes is considered to be installation, repair, or service of conditioned air equipment or the conditioned air system.


Applications are available from:
Georgia State Construction Industry Licensing Board
Division of Conditioned Air Contractors
PO Box 13446
Macon, GA 31208
Phone (478)207-2440
The application fee is $30.00.

Applications must be approved by the Board before an exam can be scheduled.

  • There are no state mandated minimum financial requirements for this license at this time.

    Approximately 6 weeks after the exam, passing candidates will receive their licenses identification card, failing applicants will receive examination results and a New Examination Scheduling Form to apply for another exam date.

  • Important Contacts

    Information & Applications for Conditioned Air, Electrical, Low Voltage, Plumbing & Utilities as well as information for Building Contractors licenses may be obtained from:

    Construction Industry Licensing Board
    237 Coliseum Drive
    Macon, GA 31217
    (844) 753-7825

    The State Testing Agency is PSI

    PSI Licensure: Certification
    ATTN: Examination Registration GA
    3210 E Tropicana
    Las Vegas, NV 89121
    (800) 733-9267

    To schedule an exam for any Technical Trade License (Electrical, Low Voltage, Conditioned Air, Plumbing, Gas) contact:


    Attn: GACILB
    18000 W. 105th Street
    Olathe, KS 66061
    phone: 800-345-6559
    Fax: 913-895-4650
    • Georgia currently has a reciprocity agreement for the Conditioned Air Contractor with South Carolina and Texas.
    • South Carolina Limited, Intermediate, or Unlimited Air Conditioning examinations, if applying for Georgia Unrestricted Conditioned Air Contractors License.
    • Texas Class A, Environmental Air Conditioning examinations.

    Contractors must complete at least four (4) hours of continuing education per year.
    Application for renewal must document completion of education. 

  • Courses must be conducted by a college, vocational-technical school, or trade association.
  • Conditioned air and electrical contractors may also complete courses conducted by a utility or equipment manufacturer.




    • The testing company is AMP.
    • Testing is offered throughout the year. It is an open book, timed test with 100 weighted questions and a 7-hour time limit.
    • The exam is divided into two parts with 3.5 hours for each half. There are Business and Law type questions and technical questions. It is all multiple-choice.
    • A score of 70% is required to pass the exam.
    • The exam fee is $143.
    • If you should fail the exam twice, you must complete a state approved training course before testing again.

      NOTE: Veterans may have 5 to 10 points added to their exam scores by submitting documentation that they served a minimum of one year in active duty status and must have served during a period of conflict or war for a minimum of 90 days. Or, discharged for an injury or illness that occurred in the line of duty and the disability is officially rated.

      The Exam consists of questions based on the following outline:
      Regulations, Laws and Administrative Functions Section
    • Compliance with Laws, Compliance with Regulations, Compliance with Administrative Requirements
    • System Design
    • Installation
    • Equipment
    • Duct Systems
    • Flue Venting
    • Gas Piping and Tubing
    • Refrigerant Piping, Tubing and Accessories
    • Condensate Piping, Tubing and Accessories
    • Electrical Control Systems
    • Place System in Operation
    • Maintain and Repair System
    • General
    • Electrical

    American Contractors is currently in development of several license preparation seminars. We currently do not offer a Georgia Conditioned Air Contractor license seminar. Please continue to check back with us.