
Louisiana Electrical Contractor

May bid, contract and perform any kind of electrical work without limit anywhere throughout the state. Exempt from any local licensing exam. Local license must still be obtained as required. Employees not required to hold a separate license to perform electrical work or pull permits.

Exempt from all Fire Marshal licensing requirements for Life Safety and/or Property Protection licensing. The State Fire Marshal maintains that service work on burglar alarms lines or closed circuit television lines, or new panel box terminations for burglar alarms and closed circuit television must be performed by a contractor, subcontractor, or employee of the contractor or subcontractor who holds the appropriate license with the Fire Marshal’s Office.


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Required Books 

The reference materials listed were used to create this exam.  The exam may also contain questions based on trade knowledge or general industry practices. Except for Code books, you can base your answers on later editions of references as they become available.

The exam is OPEN-Book. The books will be provided for you during the examination. You will not be allowed to use your own books during the exam.

Add All Required Books to Cart ($564.50)

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Any person, firm, partnership, co-partnership, association, corporation, or other organization bidding on or performing a job in the amount of $50,000 or more, the majority of which job is classified as V. Electrical Work or Vl. Mechanical Work, the licensee shall hold the major classification or subdivision thereunder of electrical work or mechanical work as the case may be.

1. On all jobs involving mechanical or electrical work the board shall consider the monetary value of the electrical or mechanical material and/or equipment furnished by the owner or builder, if any, in determining the amount of electrical or mechanical work involved.

2. The board recognizes all local ordinances and codes regulating the licensing of electrical and mechanical contractors. All persons who desire to become licensed as an electrical contractor shall make application to the board on a form adopted by the board and shall state the classification of work the applicant desires to perform from a list of major classifications.

The Louisiana Business and Law course completion required for licensure as an electrical contractor in the State of Louisiana. The applicant must complete Louisiana's business and law course prior to being issued a license.

May bid, contract and perform any kind of electrical work without limit anywhere throughout the state. Exempt from any local licensing exam. Local license must still be obtained as required. Employees not required to hold a separate license to perform electrical work or pull permits.

Exempt from all Fire Marshal licensing requirements for Life Safety and/or Property Protection licensing. The State Fire Marshal maintains that service work on burglar alarms lines or closed circuit television lines, or new panel box terminations for burglar alarms and closed circuit television must be performed by a contractor, subcontractor, or employee of the contractor or subcontractor who holds the appropriate license with the Fire Marshal’s Office.

State Licensing Board for Contractors
Post Office Box 14419
Baton Rouge, LA  70898

Important Contacts

To apply for a license or schedule an exam, contact:

State Licensing Board for Contractors
Post Office Box 14419
Baton Rouge, LA 70898
Applications for the State Plumbing license may be obtained from:

State Plumbing Board of Louisiana
2714 Canal Street, Ste. 512
New Orleans, LA 70119
(504) 826-2382

The Board has formal written reciprocal agreements with the States of Alabama, Arkansas, Mississippi, Tennessee, Texas, Utah as well as the North Carolina Electrical Examiners' Board. The Business and Law examination cannot be waived for out-of-state contractors. However, reciprocity is not automatic, applications will be considered individually. There is a 60-day waiting period for out-of-state contractors.

Louisiana states that if an individual holds a license in any other state for a classification that required a trade exam to be passed, LA will accept that exam for reciprocity for whatever classification LSLBC deems to be equivalent. 

Out of state contractors will still be required to pass the Business and Law exam. The contractor must hold a current license for the last three consecutive year period from the current application date in a comparable classification within the state from which he is domiciled.

The applicant must have the contractor's licensing board of the state in which he is licensed complete a license verification form provided by the board.

For Continuing Education requirements, please check with the State of Louisiana.

Electrical Work (Statewide) is an open book examination with 80 multiple-choice questions and a minimum passing score of 70. You will have four hours (240 minutes) to complete this examination.

A candidate may request three dates upon which he or she will be available to take the examination. An attempt will be made to accommodate the candidate. New applicants for licensure will be given priority in scheduling. Fees: The total fee for examination and licensing is $265 ($100 for license classification, $25 transaction fee, and $100 examination/verification fee). 

Exam Content includes: Project Requirements, Electrical Calculations, Grounding & Bonding, Diagrams & Schematics, Electrical Systems, Temporary Service & Power, Class 1, 2 and 3 Wiring Systems, Systems that prevent the Spread of Flame or Smoke, Safe Working Conditions, ect.

American Contractors offers a Louisiana Electrical Contactors seminar to prepare for the Louisiana State Electrical Contractor License exam.  We carry the approved references for the Louisiana Electrical Contractor exam.