
Contractors License

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Since 1993 our company has been helping contractors get their Louisiana state contractors license. With a 99% success rate, our exam prep classes are the best in the industry.

Contractors License Overview

  • State Licensing requirements exist for Public, Commercial, and Single-Family Residential construction projects exceeding $50,000.00. Projects consisting of more than 2 single residential homes, more than 1 residential duplex, triplex, or fourplex require licensing regardless of amount.
  • Pre-Approval is required for all classifications before testing.
  • For additional licensing requirements including experience, financial and bonding requirements, exam information, reference books needed, Reciprocity and Continuing Education Requirements, please select the appropriate License link below.

Louisiana Residential


Louisiana Residential Contractor

A Residential contractor is one who constructs a fixed building or structure for sale for use by another as a residence when the cost of the undertaking of $50,000 or more. This license allows new construction, remodeling and repair of residential structures no more than three stories in height. It shall not include the manufactured housing industry or those persons engaged in building residential structures that are mounted on metal chassis and wheels. The only time that the construction of a duplex, tri-plex, or four-plex is covered is when it is a single contract for one unit. To build multiple units, apartment buildings, or subdivisions you need to have a Building Contractor License. It is not needed for individuals who build no more than one residence for their own use per year.

Louisiana Commercial


Louisiana Building Contractor

Building Contractor classification refers to the erection of building structures and related landscaping, earthwork, parking areas, driveways, sidewalks, etc. Includes construction of parks, cemeteries, mausoleums, recreational facilities, golf courses, subdivision site work, swimming pools, and the raising, leveling and moving of houses and other structures.

Also includes the development of campuses, parks and subdivisions, in which case the streets must be subcontracted to a properly licensed Highway, Street and Bridge Construction contractor and the municipal pipeline mains must be subcontracted to a properly licensed Municipal and Public Works contractor unless the Building Construction contractor holds the relevant classification(s).

Additionally includes the demolishing only of buildings, houses, highway bridges, industrial piping, etc. Building Construction contractors wishing to build residential homes must separately hold the Residential Building Contractor license.

Note: A qualifying party who has previously passed the Building Construction examination is not required to pass the Residential Building Contractor examination in order to qualify for this classification.

Louisiana Business and Law


Louisiana Business & Law

We offer custom training options for the Louisiana Business & Law training built around your schedule. Find out now what options we have available.

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All companies applying for the Commercial Contractor's License, the Residential Building Contractor's License, or the Mold Remediator's License must have at least one qualifying party complete an online course offered by the Louisiana Licensing Board. This is in addition to any trade examinations which may be required.



Louisiana Electrical


Louisiana Electrical Contractor

May bid, contract and perform any kind of electrical work without limit anywhere throughout the state. Exempt from any local licensing exam. Local license must still be obtained as required. Employees not required to hold a separate license to perform electrical work or pull permits.

Exempt from all Fire Marshal licensing requirements for Life Safety and/or Property Protection licensing. The State Fire Marshal maintains that service work on burglar alarms lines or closed circuit television lines, or new panel box terminations for burglar alarms and closed circuit television must be performed by a contractor, subcontractor, or employee of the contractor or subcontractor who holds the appropriate license with the Fire Marshal’s Office.

Louisiana NASCLA

NASCLA offers a single exam to become licensed in 15 states. For more information click here.

Oregon - Nevada - Arizona - Utah - Louisiana - Florida - Arkansas - Alabama - Mississippi - Georgia - South Carolina - North Carolina - Virginia - Tennessee


NASCLA Commercial General Building Contractor

The NASCLA Accredited Commercial General Building Contractor Exam eliminates the trade examination only for the participating state agencies. Once you have passed an exam within the NASCLA Accredited Examination Program, contractors will still have to meet additional state licensure requirements within each participating state to obtain their license, as well as passing the state specific Business Law exam.

Louisiana HVAC and Mechanical


Louisiana Mechanical Work(Statewide)

A Mechanical Contractor may bid, contract and perform any kind of mechanical work without limit anywhere throughout the state. Exempt from any local licensing exams. Local license must still be obtained as required. Employees not required to hold a separate license to perform mechanical work or pull permits. Exempt from all Fire Marshal licensing requirements for piping or fire sprinkler systems.

Louisiana Mechanical Work Contractor refers to hydraulic and pneumatic systems, including such components as heating, ventilation, air conditioning, refrigeration, gas piping, process piping, mechanical equipment, and air and process heaters and seals, and air vacuums and filters; Also includes mechanical work for marine vessels.  Mechanical contractors who perform plumbing jobs must possess a master plumber license with the state plumbing board of Louisiana or use someone who has a master plumber license to perform the plumbing jobs.


Louisiana Plumbing


Louisiana Plumbing

We offer custom training options for the Louisiana Plumbing training built around your schedule. Find out now what options we have available.

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A Master Plumber is unrestricted as to the size and scope of the job except for Medical Gas and Water Supply Protection Specialist. Master Plumbers can bid on jobs, advertise and pull all necessary permits.

A Journeyman Plumber is permitted to do repair work only.

Louisiana Specialty Trades


Louisiana Concrete Construction for Buildings

We offer custom training options for the Louisiana Concrete Construction for Buildings training built around your schedule. Find out now what options we have available.

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This classification refers to the construction, maintenance or repair of concrete parking lots, sidewalks, driveways, concrete foundations, concrete columns, beams, walls, floors, roofs, curtain walls, and precast and prestressed concrete foundations, structures, slabs, tennis courts, etc.; Includes forms, slipforms, reinforcing rods and wire mesh, and the use of technologies for grouting, guniting, shotcreting and pumping; Does not include concrete for highways, streets, or bridges.


Louisiana Heavy Construction Contractor

We offer custom training options for the Louisiana Heavy Construction Contractor training built around your schedule. Find out now what options we have available.

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The classification of Heavy Construction includes the work of the following sub-classifications: Clearing, grubbing and snagging; dams, reservoirs and flood control work other than levees; dredging; electrical transmission lines; fencing; foundations and pile driving; industrial piping; industrial plants; industrial ventilation; landscaping, grading and beautification; oil field construction; oil refineries; railroads; transmission pipeline construction; tunnels; wharves, docks, harbor improvements and terminals. All persons who desire to become licensed as a heavy construction contractor shall make application to the board on a form adopted by the board and shall state the classification of work the applicant desires to perform from a list of major classifications.


Louisiana Highways, Streets & Bridges Contractor

We offer custom training options for the Louisiana Highways, Streets & Bridges Contractor training built around your schedule. Find out now what options we have available.

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Allows a contractor to construct highways, streets, bridges and all related work as well as to perform general earthwork, and general paving such as sidewalks, driveways and parking lots.


Louisiana Industrial Plants

We offer custom training options for the Louisiana Industrial Plants training built around your schedule. Find out now what options we have available.

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The classification of Industrial Plants includes all work involved in the construction of industrial plants (excluding office buildings). The test is a closed-book examination and consists of 100 multiple-choice questions including questions on piping, pile driving and earthwork, rigging, concrete, steel construction and other areas relevant to the construction of Industrial Plants.


Louisiana Insulation (Commercial & Industrial)

We offer custom training options for the Louisiana Insulation (Commercial & Industrial) training built around your schedule. Find out now what options we have available.

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All types of contractors are required to pass both the Business Law Exam and the trade exam to obtain a license. The examination for Louisiana Insulation (Commercial and Industrial) License has 50 questions, is multiple-choice, closed book examination that covers all aspects of insulation relating to construction.


Louisiana Municipal & Public Works Construction

We offer custom training options for the Louisiana Municipal & Public Works Construction training built around your schedule. Find out now what options we have available.

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The classification of Municipal and Public Works Construction includes the work of the following sub-classifications: Filter plants and water purification; pipe work (gas lines); pipe work (sewer); pipe work (storm drains); pipe work (water lines); power plants; sewer plants or sewer disposal; underground electrical conduit installation; landscaping, grading and beautification and fencing.


Louisiana Painting & Coating (Commercial & Industrial)

We offer custom training options for the Louisiana Painting & Coating (Commercial & Industrial) training built around your schedule. Find out now what options we have available.

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The examination for the Louisiana Painting and Coating, Commercial and Industrial License is a 50-question, multiple-choice, closed-book examination covering all aspects of painting and coating relating to construction.


Louisiana Roofing & Sheet Metal, Siding

We offer custom training options for the Louisiana Roofing & Sheet Metal, Siding training built around your schedule. Find out now what options we have available.

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