
Contractors License

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Since 1993 our company has been helping contractors get their Georgia state contractors license. With a 99% success rate, our exam prep classes are the best in the industry.

Contractors License Overview

  • Beginning July 1, 2008, Georgia will require a statewide Contractors License for any residential or commercial construction project that exceeds $ 2,500.00.
  • Electrical, Plumbing, Conditioned Air, Utility Manager and Low-Voltage Contractor Classifications are required to be licensed at the state level.
  • Pre-Approval is required for all Contractor Classifications. The Business & Law exam is also required for licensure, but is incorporated into most exams.
  • Applications and information regarding exam details, reference materials, experience requirements and financial requirements are available by selecting the individual courses below.

Georgia Residential


Georgia Residential Basic Contractor with Business Law

A Residential Basic Contractor is a person who performs contractor work or activity relative to detached one-family and two-family residences and one-family townhouses not over 3 stories in height. Also included are their accessory buildings and structures. There are no individual project size limitations.


Georgia Residential Light Commercial with Business Law

A Residential Light Commercial Contractor is one who performs any work or activity covered under the Residential/Basic contractor AND work or activity related to multifamily and multiuse light commercial buildings and structures, and their related accessory buildings and structures.

These buildings/structures must be less than 4 stories high and less than 25,000 square feet in aggregate interior floor space.

Buildings/structures are constructed of wood or light gauge meal frame, brick veneer, prefabricated, or manufactured type of construction, or are pre-engineered steel buildings not exceeding 50,000 square feet of interior floor space There are exemptions to this scope please consult Georgia Construction Industry Licensing Board web site for complete list.

Georgia Commercial


Georgia General Contractor with Business Law - NASCLA Accredited

A General Contractor is unlimited as to the type of work they may do. It also does not limit them as to what type of contracts they are eligible to bid on. It provides for private, commercial, institutional, industrial, public, and other buildings and structures. This does NOT include HVAC, Plumbing, Electrical, Low Voltage, or Utility Contracting. There are no limitations on project size.


Georgia Business and Law


Georgia Business & Law

The Business and Law examination does not stand alone and is required for all Contractor Classifications in Georgia.

Georgia Electrical


Georgia Electrical with Business Law

These licenses allow for the installation, maintenance, alteration, or repair of any electrical equipment, apparatus, control system, or electrical wiring device which is attached to or incorporated into any building or structure including the bidding and contracting for such work. It does not include Low Voltage work.

Georgia NASCLA

NASCLA offers a single exam to become licensed in 15 states. For more information click here.

Oregon - Nevada - Arizona - Utah - Louisiana - Florida - Arkansas - Alabama - Mississippi - Georgia - South Carolina - North Carolina - Virginia - Tennessee


NASCLA Commercial General Building Contractor

The NASCLA Accredited Commercial General Building Contractor Exam eliminates the trade examination only for the participating state agencies. Once you have passed an exam within the NASCLA Accredited Examination Program, contractors will still have to meet additional state licensure requirements within each participating state to obtain their license, as well as passing the state specific Business Law exam.

Georgia HVAC and Mechanical


Georgia Conditioned Air Contractor

We offer custom training options for the Georgia Conditioned Air Contractor training built around your schedule. Find out now what options we have available.

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The 2 levels of Conditioned Air Contractor in Georgia are: Class I conditioned air contractor licenses are restricted to conditioned air contracting involving conditioned air systems or equipment not exceeding 175,000 BTU of heating and 60,000 BTU of cooling. Class II licenses are unrestricted.  For classifying systems, each complete system in a single installation is to be considered an individual job.

These licenses allow for the bidding and contracting as well as the installation, repair, or service of conditioned air systems or conditioned air equipment. Service to or installation of the electrical connection between the electrical disconnects and conditioned air equipment is considered to be installation, repair, or service of conditioned air equipment or the conditioned air system.

Service to or installation of the electrical circuit from the electrical distribution panel to the conditioned air equipment where the electrical service to the building or site is a single-phase electrical circuit not exceeding 200 amperes is considered to be installation, repair, or service of conditioned air equipment or the conditioned air system.


Georgia Plumbing


Georgia Journeyman Plumber

We offer custom training options for the Georgia Journeyman Plumber training built around your schedule. Find out now what options we have available.

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This license allows for the installation, maintenance, alteration, and repair of plumbing fixtures and systems under the direction of a Master Plumber.


Georgia Master Plumber

We offer custom training options for the Georgia Master Plumber training built around your schedule. Find out now what options we have available.

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A Master Plumber is a person who performs or contracts to perform plumbing services. Class 1 is restricted to plumbing work involving single-family dwellings, one-level dwellings designed for no more than 2 families and commercial structures not exceeding 10,000 sq. feet. Class 2 license has no restrictions as to the type of plumbing work allowed.

Georgia Low Voltage and Fire


Georgia Low Voltage Alarm w/ Business Law

The Georgia Statewide class LV-A low voltage contractor licenses are restricted to alarm and general system low-voltage contracting. The Low Voltage Alarm License allows work that falls under alarm work as well as the scope of services listed for General Low Voltage.

Alarm Systems license covers any device or combination of devices used to detect a situation, causing an alarm in the event of a burglary, fire, robbery, medical emergency, or equipment failure, or on the occurrence of any other predetermined event.


Georgia Low Voltage General w/ Business Law

General Low Voltage license covers any electrical systems, other than alarm or telecommunication systems, involving low-voltage wiring, including, but not limited to stand alone intercom systems and call alert systems (audio or visual); distribution wiring for alarm systems and telecommunications systems including local area network systems; sound systems; public address systems; the low voltage side of energy management systems; antenna systems and satellite dish systems, irrigation system wiring; and low voltage lighting.


Georgia Low Voltage Telecommunications w/ Business Law

Georgia Statewide Class LV-T low voltage contractor’s licenses are restricted to telecommunication and general system low-voltage contracting. Telecommunications Systems license covers any switching system and associated apparatus which performs the basic function of two-way voice or data service, or both, and which can be a commonly controlled system capable of being administered both locally and remotely via secured access.


Georgia Low Voltage Unrestricted w/ Business Law

Georgia Statewide LV-U low-voltage licenses are unrestricted in both size and scope.

A Georgia Unrestricted Low Voltage license covers all low voltage work including that work which falls under the General, Alarm and Telecommunications Licenses.

Georgia Specialty Trades


Georgia Utility Manager with Business Law

We offer custom training options for the Georgia Utility Manager with Business Law training built around your schedule. Find out now what options we have available.

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Utility manager means any individual who is employed by a utility contractor to have oversight and charge of the construction, erection, alteration, or repair of utility systems.

Only the Utility Manager is allowed to do the hands-on work. Other licenses are needed to supervise and to contract.

 A Utility Contractor License is needed to bid, advertise, contract and pull permits. An exam is not needed to acquire the license. A Utility Contractor must fill out an application, meet the qualifications, pay a $50 fee and have a licensed Utility Manager in his employ.

A Utility Foreman license is needed to supervise utility construction. An exam is not required for the Foreman license. One must fill out an application and meet the requirements.


Please contact us to register 800-992-1910